Friday, August 28, 2009

Day #11 Friday

What a day...up earlier today and off to practice. After about 30 minutes of fielding, the rain came problem for us as the covered batting cages were open. We hit till lunch time. After lunch we had a special treat. They took our team to the fields where the 1st little league began...the best part was meeting three players that were little leaguers 70 years ago...talking to them, seeing the old pictures,and hearing their stories about back in the day was totally awesome!!! It was one of the coolest things i have done hear...i liked it more than the boys. We took some great photos there. Then back to the grove and the media blitz was on...four boys went with ESPN for a while and a couple more did live shots with WOAItv(Don Harris)...Ksat is here also...lots of media is showing up and security is much tighter. It has rained most of the day and a 60% chance tomorrow. I am not sure what the plan is if it rains, my guess, ESPN classic with a time change. Family and friends also flew in today. We ordered over 100 extra tickets today for extra people. Some are traveling tomorrow and need prayers for safe travels. Kylee(my daughter) got here today and her smiling face made my day!! Everybody is blessed with a gift,and mine is energy. I cant lie...i sleep well at come hear you better have the same gift!! It is go,go,go. Tomorrow is no doubt going to be another big day. The media here still likes California..Mike,I and the boys like Texas. One thing for sure, it will be a blast!!! coach lee


  1. it now. Cool blog and cool words Coach Willis.
    225 ft to right of center field. Rain, humid air, ball won't travel as far as normal. But those Chula Vista boys are, well, men amongst boys. Walk the big'ins and do what the team does some tight defense. Boy, those double plays have looked like those of college all-stars.
    One thing is for sure. You are there for a purpose. There is a plan. Soak it up. Relish the moment. God is in charge. Accept what will be...all heads and faces up to the One who brought ya here, no matter the outcome. Then, when it's all over, "pay it forward".

  2. Hey Lee... Dusty Davis here. I was lying in a hospital bed here in El Paso awaiting tests to see if I was going to have my 2nd open heart surgery in 2 yrs when I caught ya'lls game where Wyatt hit the home run... I can imagine the emotion the two of you shared that night... It was all over both of your faces we saw on a pic on Even though the official scorebook will not reflect Wyatt's home run as the winning hit... any true baseball fan knows it was! Taking a fledgling 1 run lead to a confident 3 run lead... makes all the difference... Anyway, congrats to you and Wyatt and the rest of the team... Think Calif. will cheat up on Wyatt this game?(smile)

  3. Hey Lee... Dusty again... oops...I saw you talking to the New York manager after the game... just wanna know... did you put him on the bottom for a new Lexus, or are you holding gross in your old age? LOL BTW... Wyatt has GAME! Congrats again!

  4. We are all waiting with baited breath for this afternoon's game. Can't wait to watch and root y'all on from afar! Best wishes as you take on Chula Vista yet again. We have a hunch we'll be watching y'all again tomorrow afternoon! :-)
    The Mrachek family
