Monday, August 17, 2009

night before liftoff

well ,we finished our last practice tonight and are ready to go!!! our flight is at 5:45AM so the boys will be leaving early...thanks for the unbelievable showing of support the last three days!!! when we get there i will let you know if coach Mike and I survived our travels with the boys alone


  1. Lee,
    Congratulations to you and your team. The leadership you and the parents and coaching staff have provided Over the last few years has established a great foundation for handling the craziness of the little league world series and beyond As you have probably seen on TV in the past many teams don't have the benefit of God centered leadership. Your boys are going to do awesome regardless of circumstances and I am proud to have them represent our great city. Just remember any pitcher can be hit Nolan Ryan gave up almost 4000 hits, so when they face a pitcher that looks like he drove a Winnebago to Williamsport remember he can be hit. Anyone can get a big hit just ask Pitcher Joe Blanton of the world champion Phillies. Attitude is altitude and in the words of Henry Ford "wether you think you can or think you can't you'll always be right". As a former ball player one of the differences I noticed in those players that were a notch above was that they didn't allow their mind to keep them from being great, it enabled it. Again, we are so proud of you and what you represent.

    The Hutmacher Family

    The Hutmacher Family

  2. Hi Lee,
    Words cannot express the joy we all are feeling for everyone going through this experience.
    "For such a time as this". God knew at this very time you and boys would be there. The cool thing is that He also already the knows the results!!! All you and the boys need to do is play unto the Lord. He will be Glorified. We are in prayer for everyone!!!

    The Vallejo Family
    Mark, Annette & Marky
